Ames, Iowa Apartments & Houses for rent

Application For Employment

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Jobs Open:
**Maintenance Position
**General Yard work and Landscaping

Please Fill out the online application for any position. 

Maintenance & general repairs


1.  You must have a set of tools to do the basic repairs listed above.   

2.  You must have a cell phone that takes text messages.

3.  You must be dependable with a work reference.

4.  YOU MUST have reliable transportation.  A truck or SUV that can carry stuff is A+

5.  YOU will be assigned a job and a time frame and YOU must get the job done.  If you do not work well alone.. this job is not for you.

6. YOU MUST have an email address that you check - jobs are assigned thru EMAIL and TEXT MESSAGE.



City, State, Zip
Email Address
Cell Phone #
Plumbing Experience: Explain your qualifications
Electrical Experience: Explain your qualifications
Painting & Drywall Experience: Explain your qualifications
Carpentry Experience: Explain your qualifications
Yard Work Experience: Explain your qualifications
Construction Experience: Explain your qualifications
Flooring Experience: Explain your qualifications
What type of transportation do you use?
Do you have tools to do most basic jobs? Explain
When do you plan on leaving Ames?
List any time off needs; Spring breaks, Christmas break, Summer breaks etc.
Do you have any physical ailments that prevent you from doing this job? Explain
Past Employer NAME for Reference
Past Employer CELL PHONE # for Reference
Past Employer Address for Reference
Past Employer CITY,ST,ZIP for Reference
Reason For Leaving This Employer?
Dates You Worked for this employer: From month, year : To: month,year
Are you able to contract a full year with us if hired?
Do you work well alone without supervision?

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Ames Living * Mark Kassis & Terry Lowman * 3425 Valley View * Ames * Ia * 50014 * 515-441-9944
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